Disclaimer: I know...I know its Cinco de Mayo (Don't worry I ate Tacos and drank beer. It was delicious. Sadly I did NOT have a churro) . I'm behind on life right now (see more below), so please bear with me.
There's also music below, if that's more you're thing
I'm not sure what May Day is all about, or if it is even an actual event/holiday. But I hear there is this little ritual where on the first of May you leave a little basket with flowers/candy/goodies on the door of people you like and try to sneak away without getting caught. (If you get caught, you better pucker up because you're supposed to kiss). I guess it's to celebrate spring (or whatnot) but I'm just so smitten with the idea of sending happy "just because" presents I've decided to make it my "mission" to send out "May Day" baskets this June. ("June Day" baskets? It just doesn't sound the same.)
I started off with making playlists/mixed "tapes"for people. Probably because I LOVE getting them; a personalized CD makes me feel super special. But I ran into a bit of a pickle. Lately it seems like all the good music I come across is a bit "dark"/sad and some of my nearest and dearest are a bit glum. And I start thinking "Are a bunch of downer (albeit dang good) songs REALLY the best way to say "HAPPY spring" Is it okay to include 3 separate songs with the word "Blood" in the title or should I be saving that for Halloween/something else all together?
Maybe I'm just over thinking this one too much.
Besides last weekend I picked up this from Williams-Sonoma. I've got to start thinking of sassy sayings (that are under 20 characters) to put on a cookie (suggestions welcome...I will NOT be making any that say "sweet heart")
Here's the Music update for the week: Band: Born Ruffians
I Need a Life (probably their best known song, this was the first one I heard)
Barnacle Goose (my current favorite)
Little Garcon (I like this one a lot too)
The 3 "Blood songs" I was referring to above:
The Middle East- Blood
Bon Iver- Blood Bank
Foals- Blue Blood (already featured, but here it is again)
I gotta admit, even though I thought the hype for the royal wedding was overkill, I was super curious about the dress Kate was going to wear. Also gotta admit I was not impressed when I saw it. They do look happy though! Did you get caught up with the hoop-la? Or are you more like the little girl in the photo?
I was going to post about my Easter shenanigans...but that was too long ago for anyone to care about now.
I could tell you about how I've been working late to grow a massive amount of E.Coli in the hopes of purifying b3 N-acetylglucosaminlytransferase...but I don't think anyone would care about that either and besides, I don't want to gross anyone out talking about bacteria.
I could tell you about the guy on the bus this morning...the one who had put REAL chicken bones into his piercings...now THAT was interesting. But like I said, I don't want to gross anyone out too much/more than I already have.
Instead I will tell you about what I'm looking forward to for the weekend:
1) TWO work sponsored happy hours: Beer & tacos vs. Beer & pizza...tough call.
2) Dancing
(2 of my favorite Michael Jackson remixes, because for me, nothing says "DANCE" quiet like he does)
(please ignore the first 15 seconds or so)
3) Stocking up on sunscreen and finding a new bathing suit for the summer (okay that 2nd part isn't really all that fun...but I'm still hopeful delusional ) PS DAMN you Anthrpologie/Zimmermann and your $150.00 + bathing suits... ffsshhhh...you are awfully pretty though
4) Vacation planning: Vegas/NYC/Boston/DC/Chicago/Palm Springs are in the works. Somewhere, ANY where abroad would be nice too; it's been far too long since I've left the country. Also, a "beach"vacation would be nice, but I don't want to get too greedy. San Diego has beaches aplenty.
"Tuesday" Tunes (on Thursday again, but I'm sticking with the old name because everything sounds better when it alliterates)
If you haven't heard of Maxence Cyrin, let me introduce you. He is sort of like the Vitamin String Quartet, but with a bit of a hipster edge, does covers of current songs on the piano- classical style. It's the kind of music I like to think to. Here are two my favorites: